Welcome to Helsinki! The city offers a wide range of free consultation services to help you settle in, find a job, secure housing, access educational opportunities, and receive support in daily life. Explore the key services available for residents.
General Consultation
Information and advice on Helsinki city services and immigration can be obtained from the Helsinki-info service.
📍 Locations:
- Stoa Cultural Center: Turunlinnantie 1
- Oodi Central Library: Töölönlahdenkatu 4
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 111 11
🌐 More info: hel.fi/en/helsinki-info
Consultations on housing searches, rental agreements, and resolving tenancy issues.
📞 Contact: hel.fi/housing-counselling
Employment and Education
Consultations on employment, education, and financial support.
📍 Offices:
- Kamppi: Malminkatu 34
- Itäkeskus: Asiakkaankatu 3
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 36107
✉️ Email: tyollisyyspalvelut@hel.fi
🌐 More info: tyollisyyspalvelut.hel.fi/en
Moving to Finland
Guidance on Finnish government services and support for newcomers.
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 111 11
✉️ Email: info@ihhelsinki.fi
🌐 More info: ihhelsinki.fi
Immigration and Integration
Support for immigrants, guidance on integration, immigration matters, and prevention of human trafficking.
📍 Address: Työpajankatu 14 A
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 37577
🌐 More info: hel.fi/for-immigrants
Education and Youth Support
Guidance on kindergartens, schools, and entry into educational institutions.
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 44 986
✉️ Email: koulutusneuvonta@hel.fi
🌐 More info: hel.fi/en/decision-making/education-division-advisory-services
📌 Youth Support (ages 15–29): 📍 Address: Fredrikinkatu 48
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 25861
✉️ Email: ohjaamo@hel.fi
🌐 More info: nuorten.hel.fi/en/ohjaamo-helsinki
Social Support
Consultations on social services, financial assistance, and family support.
📞 Social Consultation: +358 9 310 44400
📞 Family Support Services: +358 9 310 15454
🌐 More info: hel.fi/social-counselling
Healthcare Services
Guidance on non-urgent health issues and treatment.
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 100 23
🌐 More info: hel.fi/en/decision-making/telephone-health-service-0
Digital Support
Help with using computers, the internet, and mobile devices.
📞 Contact: +358 9 310 100 11
🌐 More info: digituki.hel.fi/en
Learn More About the City
🌐 Official Helsinki website: hel.fi/en
🌐 Information for immigrants: infofinland.fi/en/helsinki
🌐 Online brochure: hel.fi/helsinki-info/en